Guest Hunting Form

Guest Hunting Form
To hunt as a guest on Unionville Ridgerunner property you must be accompained by a sponsoring member. You do not need to sit with them, but you both must be on the property at the same time. Sponsoring member is accountable for the actions of their guests.
Cost is $25 each day you want to hunt. Payable to sponsoring member who will pay club treasurer. There is a limit of 5 guests per day. A list will be posted online and in the playhouse.
By signing this waiver electronically the hunter agrees to the bylaws and rules of "The Unionville Ridgerunners Hunting Club". The guest will also not hold "The Unionville Ridgerunners Hunting Club" or Skirmish USA/Pocono Whitewater liable for injuries or accidents occurred while hunting on club leased property.